What Would Grace Do?

Grace Kelly moved to Monaco in 1956 to live her fairytale Princess story after meeting her Prince Rainier at the Cannes film festival. And there starts my affinity for Grace and her love story that brought her to Monaco, much as my story brought me to Monaco from London.

This collection is inspired by the silver screen starlets of the golden age of cinema, inspired by the glamour and beauty of years ago, painted movie sets and painted faces,  and also inspired by my own experiences.

Somerset Maugham once said “Monaco, a sunny place for shady people” a quote which seems to have endured the test of time and that we hear on a regular basis when we tell people we live in, work in, or are moving to Monaco and I couldn’t really disagree more with this. What Would Grace Do ? is a collection inspired by my experiences of Monaco and the family I have made there. Nearly every single good thing that has happened in my life, has happened in Monaco and my overall goal with this collection is to show people a life through rose-tinted glasses, a real-life movie to day dream about on cloudy days.